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Exposing children to news media

Exposing children to news media

It is important to expose your children to what is going on around the world. Read on.

Limit exposure to graphic images

Limit your child’s exposure to graphic images. Children get affected and traumatized by these images. Especially, sensitive children can even have nightmares or find these clips haunting. It plays on their mind time and again.

Explain the event

Your child may ask several questions. Go ahead and explain the basics. You can leave out the complexities. But never once say, “You are too young to understand this.” Why? It’s simple – we never liked it when adult around us told us that!

You are the parent and you can gauge your child’s comprehension the best. So, just go with your instinct and explain events or current affairs to the extent needed.

Let your child process the news

When children reflect on something, they often become quiet. This is true even with the ones who are otherwise talkative. When you see him/her thinking hard, ask him/her open-ended questions about what he/she read on the papers or saw on TV. This will give you an insight into how he/she is processing the news within him/herself.

Learn together

For instance, you can help your child research natural disasters like cyclones, earthquakes, and hurricanes online. Also, check out books about a location that’s been in the news. Once learning happens, it’s important to build on it.

Image Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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