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GK And Value Education Are The Road To Wholesome Development

Moulding or shaping a personality is possible only in childhood. Is shaping a positive personality in a child the responsibility of parents alone? We all know that it is a shared responsibility between parents and teachers. This shared responsibility compels schools to introduce value education into their curriculum. The choices an individual makes throughout his/her life is a reflection of the value education imparted in childhood.

General knowledge on the other hand is what keeps a child up-to-date. The knowledge of this dynamic world keeps your child ahead of his/her peers. Ignoring general knowledge and focusing only on other subjects will be incomplete education. Adding general knowledge to the curriculum will keep a child informed about the current situation around the world. A wholesome education is impossible without including general knowledge in the curriculum.

Call It A Personality Development Class

Value-based education provides the much-needed attitude to face the difficult ways of the world. Compassion, sharing, kindness and empathy are all part of value education. When taught to a child he/she imbibes it into the personality type and implements it into a lifestyle. The application of these values is observed in simple daily activities like finishing homework, reaching school on time, helping fellow students and so on.

World Tour With GK

A class in general knowledge takes a child to different parts of the world without travelling. Knowledge about the current world situation adds maturity to a growing child. The languages, cultures, currency, lifestyle in countries around the world make a child acquainted with his/her and other nations. This in turn makes a child sensitive to differences in the surroundings.

Learning Through Stories

Value education through stories ensures better grasping of the moral. Kids connect to stories more than to conversations. When characters in a story show them how to implement honesty and punctuality in a story, kids tend to imitate. The popularity of books like Panchatantra is proof of this. The impact of such moral stories is so strong that children incorporate it into their behaviour effortlessly.

GK Builds Self-esteem

Knowing more about the world he/she lives in empowers a child with a lot of confidence. It positively influences identity formation in children. Since identity formation begins at the age of five, it is the best time to teach kids about the world. They may relate to a lot of personalities and learn from them. An early introduction to general knowledge opens a child’s mind to endless ideas and opportunities. A child expands these ideas and opportunities as he/she continues to acquire knowledge in school.

Knowing Everything

All other academic subjects provide specific information about a single stream of knowledge. It is limited in one sense. General knowledge removes this limitation and informs a child about everything. The subject’s method of imparting knowledge is very interesting. General knowledge connects all subjects and gives the child an integrated knowledge. It stimulates his/her ability to correlate one subject with another.

Value Education Makes A Good Human

In today’s world, it is not enough to be a good doctor or a good engineer. A good human is what the world needs. Be it in any profession. Value education lays the foundation for the growth of a good-natured human. Once this knowledge is engrained in a child, adding any other knowledge will only enhance it further.

Value Education Through Co-curricular Activities

The beauty of value-based education is its ability to mould into any form. It can be taught through co-curricular activities too. In fact, using this method leaves a greater impact on children. When kids learn to play with kindness and co-operation, they get used to that kind of living. Later in life, there is a possibility that these values become an inseparable part of a person’s life.

Increased Group Conscious

Introducing value-based education at school level makes children team players. It is a shift from self-centered growth to progressing along with the entire group. Value education compels children to think of people around them before themselves. It brings a remarkable change in how children interact with people inside the family and outside it. Teaching them the morals reminds them to be humble after achievements and encourage others left behind.

Love For The Environment

A combination of general knowledge and value education is more powerful than you can imagine. Providing these sources of knowledge changes the scope of education. General knowledge tells kids about the environment. Value education, on the other hand, teaches them how they should protect and preserve it. Although these values are taught at home too, introducing it in the curriculum organises it. Along with organisation, such formal learning reinforces what’s learnt at home.

Age-specific Learning

Be it value education or general knowledge, if it is not age-specific it will lose its effect. Choose books and stories that are relevant to the age-group you are addressing. You can teach a three-year-old not to lie, but older kids understand concepts like integrity better.

When schools impart value education along with GK to their students, they take education to the next level. Schools that embrace value education and GK give valuable individuals to society. A wholesome education is impossible in the absence of these two subjects.

Kruti Beesam

Kruti enjoys blogging and listening to music. She actively tries to sensitise people towards disabilities and create awareness about the need for wheelchair friendly infrastructure. Being a foodie, Kruti looks forward to meeting new people and sharing a good meal with them.


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