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Handy Revision Tips While Exams

Handy Revision Tips While Exams (2)

Students tend to panic before their exams, irrespective of their levels of preparation. The following tips help students ease their stress and gain the much-required confidence:

Make a Timetable

According to researchers, every student should make a timetable, as preparations according to a timetable gives better results than long unscheduled preparations. Make your timetable with not-too-long study periods, keeping in mind the importance of breaks .

Physical Activity

Another factor for consideration is physical activity, which comes next to Nil before and during exams. Make sure you walk or jog every day at least for 30 minutes, preferably in the morning. Morning walks/jogs help increase your heart rate, circulating your blood faster, thus ensuring that adequate amount of oxygen reaches your brain.

Start Early Morning

As the saying goes, “early to Bed, early to Rise, Makes a man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise”. This saying fits perfectly if you want to give stress-free exams. Mornings work wonders not only for studies but also for anything you are determined to. Studying in the morning helps you concentrate and grasp faster than the later part of the day.

Past Test Papers

Practicing past exam papers of all subjects gives a better idea of the pattern and types of questions. However, practicing does not mean selective studies. These papers just help you practice and evaluate where you stand.

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Rashmi Kaushal Baveja

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