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Classroom Pedagogies

Ragging! Time to Deal With It!

Ragging! Time to Deal With It!

It is necessary to remember that a bully will always do what he/she likes i.e. bullying. However, it is your choice to either be the victim or raise your voice. It is understandable that mustering the courage when being bullied may not come instantly; however, you can learn to defend yourself in the least against any potential threat.

In order to protect yourself, the first step is to change your perspective. If you think you are feeble in front of bullies, you may always remain so and be bullied. You need to assure yourself repeatedly that nothing is more important than one’s self-respect. Remember, it is always respectable to jump in the battlefield and die fighting rather than dying without even trying.

Keep in mind that no one can bully or rag you unless you let them do so. Do not get scared by anyone and believe that you are mighty and strong enough to scare them in turn.

If you are unable to defend yourself, resort to help immediately. For instance, if you are alone and being bullied, immediately shout for help; yell loudly so that you are sure of being heard.

In fact, most of the times, it is the bullies who lack courage in spite of putting up a being-strong show. Bullying or ragging usually takes place when either you are a fresher or you may look a bit different. Simply be extra alert, learn some basic self-defense moves and keep certain things handy like a pencil or a pen to protect yourself.

Image Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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