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Transition to digital education not overnight process

India has begun the transition to digital education from the traditional chalk-and-talk method. However, we still have a long way to go. This transformation cannot happen overnight; not even over months, but will take several years and a lot of concerted, dedicated and sincere effort. The first need is the intent itself to change over to digital education, along with a specific deadline to do so. Then is needed a clear and concrete roadmap to achieve that objective. The roadmap can be overall – for the country – and for each individual school. Each school must have its own timeframe to convert. The implementation of a new teaching methodology is a huge decision for a school, and cannot be made in a hurry, and certainly cannot be implemented in a jiffy. It needs awareness, understanding and cooperation of all concerned – management, teachers, and parents/students. Schools must understand that digital classrooms are not mere showpieces, but an important and essential tool. The pitfall is that if this is not done, then the situation could arise where students would not be computer literate in spite of having 14 years of education, and might be called illiterate.


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